Friday, June 8, 2012


                              Something We Have Always Known

While I wait for funds to eventually get to Forex FS next week, so that I can start trading our new PAMM, I want to stress the importance of social media and how it relates to my business model of trading.

There aren’t many traders and/or money managers out there who are as accessible as yours truly, who have the experience and verified track record [over time], that are willing to communicate trading principles and lessons learned to the investing public. While email is great, it is not as vibrant or useful as Twitter and You Tube.

I hope you take the time to follow me on Twitter at “@vegastrades” and get my real time thoughts, insights, and trades. Now, I know many of you out there who regularly visit my posts, don’t use Twitter or You Tube because you are not familiar with it, think you can’t use it, or think you don’t need it; you would be wrong.

Take a few minutes and familiarize yourself with the Twitter technology; if you haven't already opened a Twitter account [it's free of course] do it now at and then download “TweetDeck” [a 3rd party application] and spend 5 minutes on how to use it [really very easy]. If you want you can even do it mobile. There simply is no quicker or more productive way to keep informed on what’s going on; not just with me, but everything that interests you.

I’m a little behind in my efforts to “You Tube” the –vegas brand. I’ve got my subscription channel already done, but I need to get the PAMM up and going and learn more about digital video editing, special techniques, and then do some experimenting before I unleash some videos. I’m probably about a month away from the first vid.

But I think most will like what I have in mind for the vids. Sure, I aim to inform and educate, but we have to have some fun as well. I’ll have links on both web pages to the vids so you don’t have to go searching for them. They will also be available at You Tube under my channel that you may subscribe to for free [of course].

The algorithm absolutely nailed EURJPY today; the high and the low, with appropriate signals. If you are already on Twitter, you can see my real time comments from today confirming this. I’m sorry folks, but the “Vegas Multi Time Algorithm” is not available to the public; it is only for use by the PAMM for my clients.

There are many people who are visiting the web pages for the first time, and in order to make things simple for you, I have put together a file [as well as a FAQ download at the link] to help you into our PAMM if you are interested. Simply email me at for details.

Have a great weekend everyone.


Thursday, June 7, 2012


                                           And Now I Wait

The algorithm totally nailed EURJPY today, and did very well in EURUSD and XAUUSD [spot gold]. I look forward to the Forex FS stable/reliable MT4 trading platform for the PAMM.

Funds are now completely out of HotForex and in the process of transfer. It’s going to take a few business days getting funds in the bank, and then going back out to Forex FS. So, not anything specific to comment on via trades.

For those new to the site, if you would like more information on how to get into the PAMM, drop me a note at and I will send out information ASAP.

Have a good day everyone.


Wednesday, June 6, 2012


                                  Moving Money From A To B

I want to focus today’s post on the algorithm I use to trade the PAMM. As many of you know, on April 8 I made a major change to the algorithm’s internals to adequately deal with the Central Planners intervening in the markets [jawboning in the press or actual physical intervention] and resultant very quick changes in prices that usually follow.

This updated algorithm is in the public domain, but since then I have made further upgrades and revisions and this is definitely NOT in the public domain. The most current and updated version I have renamed the “Vegas Multi Time Algorithm” and is solely proprietary for use in my PAMM. Nobody has it; nobody knows what’s in it’ and nobody is going to find out.

Frankly, I’m tired of people front-running my orders.

Which brings me to today’s action.

In real time today, who called the rally in EURUSD & EURJPY before it happened? In real time today, who called the top in both EURUSD & EURJPY within a couple of pips?

If you were “following” vegastrades on Twitter today, or following the discussions in #forex, #fxtalk, or #trading, then you have your answer. If our PAMM was up and trading we would have had a very, very nice day. Yea, I know; coulda woulda shoulda.

But the good news is tomorrow is another day and our PAMM will be trading within a few days.

Now, I’m not saying or implying wild profits or get-rich-quick. What I am saying is the algo is very, very good at signaling and profiting from trades; far better than previous versions.

Now, when the PAMM is up and going I will post liquidation and closing results on Twitter, but not opening positions. I’m not going to allow others who have “no skin in the game” to piggy-back us to the bank. The Multi Time algorithm is for my PAMM clients only. While I will still post results each day here on the website, if you follow me on Twitter you will get instant results as they happen in real time. Easy to check during the night and day.

If you are new to Twitter, I suggest you download [mobile or PC] the 3rd party application [app] “TweetDeck” and spend 2 minutes learning how it can make your on line life much more enjoyable. Basically, you can follow an infinite number of discussion groups, tweets from those you follow [like me at “vegastrades”], messages that people send you, and any interactions that involve you in the Twitter universe.

So, for example, if you follow me, somebody on gardening, politics, baseball, and your favorite women’s volleyball team, you can do it from one page and also see what others with the same interests are saying also. Pretty spiffy.

So, for those of you sitting on the fence, wondering if you should be in our new PAMM, if you want to get going right from the start, send me an email at  and I’ll send out the info to you ASAP.

Have a good day everyone.


Tuesday, June 5, 2012


                                          Out Of HotForex

All monies are now out of HotForex and the PAMM has been dissolved. Our new PAMM is open for biz, and those who are new to the website can email me at for more details. It takes a couple of days via wire, to receive funds and then get them wired out again, to finally get monies into our new PAMM at Forex FS.

As I stated on my other post, I had to change my twitter account because of technical problems; now I know why they call it Twitter – all the “twits” who work there. So, if you would like to follow my thoughts throughout the trading day, including closed trades of the PAMM, simply follow “@vegastrades” [minus the quotation marks of course].

What got me so upset last Friday was the way our PAMM account got treated by HotForex. Not only did the trading platform malfunction and the feed dropped repeatedly throughout the entire trading day, but four separate times – count ‘em – 4!!! – I tried to buy gold and got a “server busy try order again later” message in my order box. Of course, this is on a day that saw gold go up $80+, the largest daily gain since 2009.

You think maybe I was a little heated?

Forget slippage, I couldn’t even get into the system! Repeated attempts to get into chat were ignored by their system. Now, I did get off 2 small trades in the currency pairs, but both were met with 30 second + delays in fills. The first order in EURUSD got filled 8 pips away from where I wanted and expected a fill.

It is not my desire to down grade HotForex; they do a good enough job on their own to do that and need no help from me. But I will say this: anybody who trades at HotForex today, with their execution problems and slippage issues, is NUTS!

If we hadn’t been asked to leave, I would have switched out anyway. Over the last 4 months they have repeatedly lied to me about upgrades, new liquidity providers, and reduced spreads. Not much else to say except I would definitely not trade there any longer.

So, water under the bridge now, and no need to revisit HotForex again.

I will start commenting on action in the market tomorrow. Until then, have a good day everyone.


Monday, June 4, 2012


                                   My Message To Twitter Staff

As if I need a new problem, today I got my @vegasxau twitter account suspended. I’ve sent out exactly 5 tweets, to nobody in particular except followers and #forex, #fxtalk, and #trading discussion forums. I was responding to someone who tweeted me, and when I clicked the send tweet button my account was suspended.

The first meaningless cow chip corporate form I got was asking me not to violate their “aggressive follower” terms and conditions. Huh?

So, I’ve sent the customer service staff members, which are probably skateboarding and eating tofu and way too busy to respond, a message to get on it. Maybe a year from now they will respond and “un” suspend me. And people wonder why other people absolutely hate with a passion, that burns as hot as the sun, corporate Amerika. And yes, especially left leaning, technocrat hypocrites like Twitter [Microsoft comes too mind also] who think they are doing God’s work, while ignoring you or making life difficult for you.

No trading today, as it is moving day for funds out of HotForex [hooray] and into the new brokerage house, Forex FS. It will probably be a couple of days until funds are in the new PAMM, so be patient until then and I will comment on the markets at that time.

On Friday, I said I would lay out today what happened that got me so upset. Let’s wait a day or two for that explanation shall we?

For those of you interested in participating in the PAMM, drop me a line at and I will send details.

Have a good day everyone.
