Thanks, Now Go Home
Again today, we see a pattern that has become all too familiar; a small daily range [only $16] where 50% [or more] of the entire range happens in microseconds.
Asia has all but disappeared from trading these last 3 months . You can actually see paint dry faster than you can see the price changes coming out of Asia. Europe is only marginally better. In other words, the “Lemmings In Asia” have disappeared, giving nobody any idea where market sentiment is for that particular day.
What this means is simple; we enter U.S. trading around 6:30 A.M. [Chicago time] with a very tight range that is much easier to make both a new high and a new low. This is the reason we have seen so many of the “Flying Wedge of Death” chart formations in the last few months. It also means the Central Planners know where the stops are with almost total certainty, therefore making it easier to move the market on their manipulations.
Then in a literal microsecond, bing bang boom, the market moves $4 - $10. Twenty minutes was all that was needed today, as three spikes totaling $12 moved gold higher faster than you could blink your eyes.
I got long and the price moved higher, but price moved off so fast it got me out of the market. One second I’m up $1.50, and the very next second I’m up $0.20; I got a whole nanosecond to make a decision.
“Hey, thanks for showing up vegas, what do you want to do?”
And sadly, that’s it for the day, as all that is left is the wailing and gnashing of teeth thereafter in terms of price. The train cometh; the train leaveth; the day is over. We go maybe a buck or two on either side of where I liquidated the trade, except for the $5 Central Planner smack-down at 8:45 A.M.
I’m not happy making pennies either, but it’s better than losing money.
Weekly Cycle Charts
Some of the most recent cycles have been changed from last week’s update. Below is the current count for each market I’m following.
It looks like we are in day 4 of an up cycle.
Have a good weekend everyone.