Luck Is Not A Strategy
I came into today’s trade in gold hoping there would be some profit taking off the reversal day we saw yesterday. As the Asian session came and went, there wasn’t any price move lower of any significance. Europe too saw very little action, and by the time the US session opened at 7:20 AM [Chicago time] we had ourselves about a $9 range on the day.
I knew instinctively that this day was going to be trading trouble. Not only from a small range standpoint, but it is a Friday as well. [Have I mentioned before just how much I hate Friday trading?] No profit taking in Asia or Europe meant the market was being set up; the only question was from where?
The fake upside breakout at 7:30 AM meant trouble when the low of that candlestick got taken out. The algorithm is in “buy mode”, so I can’t sell it; all I can do is wait for a buy signal from lower levels.
The first buy signal came at 9:15 AM around the 1726 price level. Why didn’t I take the position? Two big reasons.
The first reason had to do with volatility and the days range up to that point. The low that got put in that led to the buy signal meant the days range at that point was about $13. No way are we staying here at $13, so one of two things has to happen; 1) either we continue lower and put in bigger range on the downside, or 2) we are looking at another reversal day.
I’m not buying two reversal days in a row, especially given the time of day, and the first reason makes a long position unprofitable.
The second reason has to do with the stop level of the position; if I take it, my stop will be almost $5 away from my position. At this point in the trading day, can I recover from a $5 loss and still be profitable for the day? I don’t think so. As it was, the position would have lost $5 / oz.
The second buy signal comes at 10:20 AM around 1720, maybe 1720.25. Why didn’t I take the position?
The main reason is time of day. I’m asking a lot of the gold market to put in a rally, which it hasn’t done all day, to save me here at the end of the day and week. We could get some short covering into the weekend, but if I’m wrong, I have absolutely no chance of recovery into profitability.
I also know that the first buy signal was a bust and would have lost $5 / oz. Each and every day I come into trading, my goal is to beat the algorithm, not match it. I know if I can do that, then my long term profitability will be beyond your imagination.
So, the question becomes can I get a $5 / oz rally, or better, as we move into the close? Again, my experience is screaming “I don’t think so!”
As it was, if I had gotten very near the high bid print at 12:25 PM, a little over 1725 at 1725.33, I could have maybe recovered the first trade and had a breakeven day. That’s if I was very lucky.
Luck is not a strategy.
In reality, I would have probably gotten out as the market went back down through 1724 and ended up with a $1 / oz loss on the day.
So, by not doing anything, I beat the algorithm today.
There are times in our lives when we are given choices and have to choose between outcomes where there are no desirable choices to be made. Today presented a classic trading example of this.
It certainly is no fun to sit with your hands folded and watch an entire day go by and do nothing. However, it is less fun to lose money. And as I have stated before, every day you don’t lose money, you are 3 days closer to financial freedom.
I never had to kiss my sister, but it would have been better than my gym teacher in 8th grade with bad breath.
Have a good weekend everyone, and I’ll be back at it Sunday night.