Friday, February 10, 2012


                                 vegas This Upcoming Weekend

 I’ll be back at the computer banging out the who, what, when , where and why of gold and AUD come Monday.

My hand is getting better, but for now I need the weekend to decompress a little and totally recover. Thanks for your patience.

Have a great weekend everyone


Thursday, February 9, 2012


                                                  Exit 110

I’ll have some comments from this week either tomorrow or Monday. My hand is getting better by the day, and “hunt and peck” with one hand will be over soon. Thanks for your patience.

We had a trade in both AUD and gold, that was signal related, that made us some money today.

Looks like volatility is making a comeback in gold. I sure hope so.

Have a good day everyone.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012


                                              Trading Today

 We got the range today, but trading was very different between the Asian, Europe and U.S. sessions. I’ll have more on this and other trading topics once my hand heals. I’m not a big fan of “hunt and peck” typing with one hand.

So, give me another day or two, and I’ll be back at my keyboard.

Have a great day everyone.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012


                                  He Still Feels Better Than Me

I’ll be back tomorrow with my thoughts on gold and AUD, but for today I’m calling in injured.

Have a good day everyone.


Monday, February 6, 2012


                                   I’m Not As Bad As This Guy

OK, you all know what happened to me from my other post. No sense repeating myself.

Not exactly the best night for me to trade, as I got to trading a little late, but both markets deserve some comments. I’ll make this short since I’m a little hurtin’ today.


Continued sell pressure from Friday spillover has gold on the defensive. As I write this, the algorithm has gone into “buy mode”. Since we are the end of today’s window for trading, we’ll pick up signals coming into tomorrow’s trade later tonight.


We had a meaningless long trade in AUD today: Interest rate meeting by RBA this week keeping the lid on volatility. Second day in a row of below normal range for the day. This too shall pass. We’ll see what happens tomorrow.

Have a good day everyone, I’ll be back to normal for tomorrow’s trading.
