Wednesday, June 6, 2012


                                  Moving Money From A To B

I want to focus today’s post on the algorithm I use to trade the PAMM. As many of you know, on April 8 I made a major change to the algorithm’s internals to adequately deal with the Central Planners intervening in the markets [jawboning in the press or actual physical intervention] and resultant very quick changes in prices that usually follow.

This updated algorithm is in the public domain, but since then I have made further upgrades and revisions and this is definitely NOT in the public domain. The most current and updated version I have renamed the “Vegas Multi Time Algorithm” and is solely proprietary for use in my PAMM. Nobody has it; nobody knows what’s in it’ and nobody is going to find out.

Frankly, I’m tired of people front-running my orders.

Which brings me to today’s action.

In real time today, who called the rally in EURUSD & EURJPY before it happened? In real time today, who called the top in both EURUSD & EURJPY within a couple of pips?

If you were “following” vegastrades on Twitter today, or following the discussions in #forex, #fxtalk, or #trading, then you have your answer. If our PAMM was up and trading we would have had a very, very nice day. Yea, I know; coulda woulda shoulda.

But the good news is tomorrow is another day and our PAMM will be trading within a few days.

Now, I’m not saying or implying wild profits or get-rich-quick. What I am saying is the algo is very, very good at signaling and profiting from trades; far better than previous versions.

Now, when the PAMM is up and going I will post liquidation and closing results on Twitter, but not opening positions. I’m not going to allow others who have “no skin in the game” to piggy-back us to the bank. The Multi Time algorithm is for my PAMM clients only. While I will still post results each day here on the website, if you follow me on Twitter you will get instant results as they happen in real time. Easy to check during the night and day.

If you are new to Twitter, I suggest you download [mobile or PC] the 3rd party application [app] “TweetDeck” and spend 2 minutes learning how it can make your on line life much more enjoyable. Basically, you can follow an infinite number of discussion groups, tweets from those you follow [like me at “vegastrades”], messages that people send you, and any interactions that involve you in the Twitter universe.

So, for example, if you follow me, somebody on gardening, politics, baseball, and your favorite women’s volleyball team, you can do it from one page and also see what others with the same interests are saying also. Pretty spiffy.

So, for those of you sitting on the fence, wondering if you should be in our new PAMM, if you want to get going right from the start, send me an email at  and I’ll send out the info to you ASAP.

Have a good day everyone.


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