Tuesday, May 8, 2012


                                       Welcome To Trading

A price debacle in gold today as all support from the 1600 – 1610 area got taken out in minutes. There were some buy signals from the algorithm but I ignored all of them but the last one. I didn’t buy gold; instead I used a currency proxy. Why? Because down here sub 1600 and down $40 on price, if I am wrong and the dealers gap this stuff lower, they are going to take us out back and shoot us on price.

And since we aren’t exactly valued clients anymore [adios US amigos], what leverage do I have arguing for price adjustments from the brokerage house? Yea, exactly: Zip. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

Most of the time, the gold dealers will give you your stop price if it gaps through [unlike futures which definitely don’t because there are no dealers only orders from others] your stop. But they don’t have to; there aren’t any guarantees. And the very last thing I want is to get butchered on a sell stop even though it is probably a low probability. It wasn’t low enough for me today.

That and the fact that I can only imagine what the slippage would have been from the dealer as things were flying all over the place.

Currency proxies don’t work 100% of the time of course, but I noticed early on today that EURUSD and gold were correlating pretty strongly. I made 3 trades today in EURUSD; 2 produced profits and one was a loss, netting out a profit of a few dollars. Granted, it isn’t much, but if I had been trading gold I don’t think I would have been profitable.

I have finalized an agreement with another brokerage house for our new PAMM. I have some paperwork to do and some documents to send, and the new PAMM should be ready by some time next week. I’m in the process of writing a help file for you to make the transition as easy as possible; I’ll be sending it to you when the new PAMM is ready to accept our business.

If you haven’t done so already, and you are a PAMM client, please email me your PAMM investor account number and I will send you the help file when appropriate.

I’m really excited about our new home; the pros definitely outnumber the cons and most importantly slippage will become a thing of the past; that means more money for all of us.

Have a good day everyone.


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